Chicken Potpie Recipe (2024)

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Chicken Potpie Recipe (1)


Rating: 1 stars


This took a very long time to prep and cook and in the end, was very bland. I wouldn't make this again without a lot of revisions. I'm very disappointed after all the work put in.

Chicken Potpie Recipe (2)


Rating: 5 stars


I added 7 Tbl flour based on reviews saying it was runny. I used 2% milk instead of skim. Used fresh herbs and added a little dried thyme. I added about 1/4c of white wine to the broth.

Chicken Potpie Recipe (3)


Rating: 5 stars


After reading the reviews I only used 2 cups of milk and added extra salt, pepper and onion powder. I also doubled the chicken and veggies. Was nice and creamy and had great flavor. I'd definitly make it again

Chicken Potpie Recipe (4)


Rating: 4 stars


Good but kind of bland! Could definitely use another spice!

Chicken Potpie Recipe (5)


Rating: 5 stars


This dish was excellent! I tweaked the recipe using leftover pork tenderloin; 1 can of coconut milk instead of cow's milk; a quarter cup of beef stock; and cut out the flour altogether. The cocnu*t milk is rather thick so the flour wasn't needed. Like others, I used dried thyme. The prep is a little time consuming, but worth the wait!

Chicken Potpie Recipe (6)


Rating: 5 stars


This was excellent! I omitted the peas per my husband's request. This recipe is definitely a keeper. My husband took the leftovers for lunch the next day! :-)

Chicken Potpie Recipe (7)


Rating: 5 stars


I used sweet potato instead of the regular and doubled the carrots instead of using celery. We loved this dish. I loved that I could make it on Sunday, minus the phyllo, and refrigerate it for a weeknight meal. Just add the phyllo before cooking a bit longer. I added more seasoning and increase the amount of flour per the request of other reviewers and it turned out great. It was so big that we've gotten many meals out of this one.

Chicken Potpie Recipe (8)


Rating: 5 stars


This was really tasty. It does need quite a bit more salt, but otherwise is delicious. You should eat right away as the phyllo dough gets soggy once covered (or stored), taking away that nice crisp; however, having said that, I thought the leftovers were delicious even with the soggy phyllo dough. Also, it cooks up very pretty!

Chicken Potpie Recipe (9)


Rating: 5 stars


Yum!!! My family loved this! I thought it was a tad bland too, so grated a chicken bouillon cube into it until desired taste and a little more salt. I also used Pepperidge farm puff pastry sheets on top. It was just a little easier for me than using the other sheets. This is for sure our new favorite dish!

Chicken Potpie Recipe (10)


Rating: 5 stars


This was so good! I did 2 1/2 cups of 2% milk because I didn't have nonfat. I also added garlic. I tasted the vegetable and milk mixture while it was simmering to make sure enough salt was added. Everything else was exactly as the recipe called for. My husband and his friend LOVED it! I will be making this again for sure. Thanks for the recipe!

Chicken Potpie Recipe (11)


Rating: 2 stars


The phyllo was pointless. The inside was ok, but very bland. Had to add a lot of spices to make it better. Would not make again.

Chicken Potpie Recipe (12)


Rating: 5 stars


We loved this recipe! i used a lot more black pepper but followed the rest of the recipe exactly. turned out very yummy! surprisingly the phyllo dough was still good for leftovers the next day. by the 3rd day the dough was soggy. i will cut the recipe in 1/2 next time so we don't throw so much of this yummy dish out.

Chicken Potpie Recipe (13)


Rating: 3 stars


The filling of this potpie is really good. For the cooked chicken I used a mixture of mostly dark meat and some white meat poached with fresh roasted garlic, and I used that broth for the 1/2 cup broth called for in the recipe, which added good flavor. I used 1% milk instead of nonfat and about 3 times more flour than called for (trying to get this to thicken with the ratio suggested for is like swimming upstream). Who wants liquidy potpie? For whoever does, the recipe is versatile and you can make it to your taste. I didn't use fresh time (used Penzeys dried) or peas. I topped mine with 3 rolls of Pillsbury biscuits (not llght but the best part) instead of Phyllo. Would make again with whole milk and more seasoning.

Chicken Potpie Recipe (14)


Rating: 5 stars


This was a great warmer weather/spring pot pie since the topping is lighter. I made the filling a few hours ahead so that it could cool before I put the phyllo on, I did not want it to get soggy. I did omit potatoes and mushrooms and used roasted chicken breasts that I shredded. I did not use milk either because I think the milk makes the broth bland. Anyways, with those changes it was still wonderful. I wanted to eat it all! I have leftovers but I am afraid the topping will be very soggy. This is probably best eaten fresh. I highly recommend this dish.

Chicken Potpie Recipe (15)


Rating: 3 stars


Made this for the first time. Great flavor and loved all the veggies! In fact, I cut back on the chicken and added a little extra veggies. My only complaint is that it seems a bit runny. I thought potpie was supposed to be thicker? I'd make this again for sure and try to get it thicker. Dried Thyme works great in place of fresh. I used fresh parsely though... inexpensive.

Chicken Potpie Recipe (16)


Rating: 4 stars


I was not looking for a healthy recipe when I came across this. The filling is the perfect consistency. Not too thin but not all thick and sucked up either. I used canned mushrooms, leftover turkey, frozen peas and carotts, whole wheat phyllo and flour, 1 % milk and poultry seasoning. The quantities were the same as in the recipe except I used only one potato. Onions and celery the same as the recipe too. I will make this again.

Chicken Potpie Recipe (17)


Rating: 5 stars


This is a great, reliable recipe. Always a hit! I will say that I like experimenting with different crusts (which change the calories admittedly). Premade pie crust works really well, but my favorite is dropping buttermilk biscuit mix on the top. Soaks up the sauce nicely. Dried herbs work just as fine as fresh, too.

Chicken Potpie Recipe (18)


Rating: 5 stars


I really love this recipe and it freezes very well. The modifications I made are: 1 cup of potatoes instead of 2; 2 cups of skim milk instead of 3; increase chicken to 3 cups and increase peas to 2 cups. Also I used 1 Tablespoon dry parsley and thyme; and omitted the phyllo altogether. There are a lot of flavors going on and it's a wonderful hearty dish. I will keep this recipe in the permanent collection!

Chicken Potpie Recipe (19)


Rating: 5 stars


Although this recipe was a bit time-consuming to make (cutting up all of the veggies), it was absolutely fantastic! I felt good serving it to my family because it is very healthy, and the serving size is very generous too. This is definitely a recipe I will make over and over again!

Chicken Potpie Recipe (2024)


Should I bake the bottom pie crust first? ›

You do not need to pre-bake a pie crust for an apple pie or any baked fruit pie really, but we do freeze the dough to help it stay put. Pre-baking the pie crust is only required when making a custard pie OR when making a fresh fruit pie. you should probably get: Pie weights are super helpful to have for pre-baking.

How do I thicken my chicken pie filling? ›

Stir a tablespoon of cornstarch into 2 tablespoons of cold water and add it to your filling mixture to thicken it.

Why is my chicken pie so watery? ›

A watery potpie may be the result of not cooking the filling for long enough or adding too much liquid to the filling. Another possible reason for the pie being watery is if you add watery vegetables like spinach or green beans to the filling rather than potatoes or carrots, which soak up liquid.

How do you get a crispy crust on the bottom of a pie? ›

Sprinkle dried breadcrumbs or crushed cornflakes, or other types of cereal, on the bottom crust before filling and baking in the oven. The layer will absorb moisture and prevent the filling from turning the crust soggy.

How long do you Prebake bottom pie crust? ›

If you are pre-baking a store-bought frozen packaged crust, I recommend following the directions on the package for how to pre-bake that particular crust. Most instructions will have you defrost the crust, prick the bottom of the crust all over with the tines of a fork, and bake at 375°F to 450°F for 10 to 12 minutes.

Can I put puff pastry on the bottom of a pie? ›

If you want to make a puff pastry base for your pie

As you warm up your oven, put a baking tray in to heat up. Then when you put your pie in the oven, sit the dish on top of the hot baking tray. I find that this really helps to cook the base of the Steak Pie and stop a soggy bottom.

How do you keep chicken pie from getting soggy? ›

You can fully blind bake a pie until it's completely cooked, which you have to do when adding a cooked filling like custard or mousse, or you can partially bake the crust before adding the filling and finishing the baking. In either case, blind baking goes a long way in keeping everything nice and crisp!

What is the best ingredient to use in thickening the filling of cream pies? ›

All-purpose flour is an easy solution, as you're sure to have it in your pantry. Since it's lower in starch, you'll use more of it than you would higher-starch thickeners. Quick-cooking tapioca makes filling bright and clear, but also gives it a stippled and somewhat sticky texture.

What to do if pie filling is runny after baking? ›

The best way to thicken runny apple pie filling before baking it is to add some cornstarch, tapioca starch, or flour to your mix. To fix a runny pie that's already been baked, simply let it cool to see if it will congeal naturally. If not, you can stick it back in the oven for a bit longer.

Can I add cornstarch to thicken pie filling? ›

Cornstarch is a super-effective thickener that doesn't need much time to cook, although it does require high temperatures to activate. To avoid clumps, mix cornstarch with sugar before adding it to your filling. When undercooked or used in excess, cornstarch can have a chalky taste and texture.

What if meat pie filling is too dry? ›

The meat and potato filling should be moist – not too dry or too wet. If it seems too dry, add a bit of the reserved cooking liquid. The mixture should not be too wet. If there are pools of liquid in the mixture, it is too wet and the pie crust will be soggy.

Should pies be baked from the top or the bottom? ›

The lower third of your oven (one level below the center of the oven) is best for baking filled pies or double-crust pies. This will ensure that the very bottom of the pie crust turns golden brown. If you are blind-baking a single-crust, then use the middle rack level.

How can you prevent soggy or undercooked bottom pie crusts? ›

The most common way to ward off a soggy pie crust is by a process called blind baking. Blind baking means you pre-bake the crust (sometimes covered with parchment or foil and weighed down with pie weights to prevent the crust from bubbling up) so that it sets and crisps up before you add any wet filling.

Should you pre-bake bottom crust for apple pie? ›

How do you make apple pie so the bottom crust isn't soggy? You don't have to pre-bake the bottom pie crust for this pie. There's simply no need to take this extra step because the apple pie bakes for a really long time in the oven. If your pies have soggy crusts, you may not be baking them long enough.

Should I blind bake bottom crust for meat pie? ›

The perfect cook

You don't have to blind bake your pie shell without the filling, but it does help give you a crispier crust. Another option is to place the pie on the lowest rack in the oven. The bottom will cook faster, the filling won't soak into the crust, and the top can bake more slowly so it doesn't burn.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.