Kos Parasite Build (2024)


Ah, Bloodborne, the beloved masterpiece from FromSoftware, renowned for its challenging gameplay, intricate lore, and haunting atmosphere. Among the myriad of weapons and builds available to players, the Kos Parasite build stands out as a fascinating choice for those seeking to harness the eldritch powers lurking within the game's universe. In this guide, we'll delve deep into the intricacies of the Kos Parasite build, exploring its strengths, weaknesses, and how to optimize it for maximum cosmic devastation.

Understanding the Kos Parasite

The Kos Parasite is a unique weapon in Bloodborne, introduced in The Old Hunters DLC. Shaped like an otherworldly embryo, this arcane weapon scales exclusively with the player's Arcane stat, making it a formidable choice for arcane-focused builds. Its moveset may initially seem limited, but its true power lies in its transformed state, where it channels the cosmos itself to unleash devastating arcane attacks.

Building Your Character

To fully embrace the power of the Kos Parasite, you'll need to invest heavily in the Arcane stat. Aim for at least 70 Arcane to maximize your damage output with this weapon. Additionally, since the Kos Parasite lacks any physical damage scaling, you can afford to neglect Strength and Skill in favor of bolstering your Arcane stat.

Choosing the Right Attire and Runes

In Bloodborne, every detail matters, including your attire and runes. Look for attire that boosts your Arcane damage or increases your arcane defense to complement your Kos Parasite build. As for runes, prioritize those that enhance your arcane abilities or provide utility in combat, such as increased stamina or quicksilver bullet capacity.

Mastering the Arcane Arts

With your character and gear optimized, it's time to master the arcane arts. Experiment with different arcane tools and Hunter Tools to supplement your Kos Parasite attacks. Augur of Ebrietas, A Call Beyond, and Blacksky Eye are excellent choices for unleashing devastating arcane attacks from a distance, allowing you to control the battlefield and keep enemies at bay.

Exploring the Cosmos

As you traverse the nightmare realms of Bloodborne, keep an eye out for arcane gems to further enhance your Kos Parasite. Look for gems that increase your arcane damage or add arcane scaling to your weapon, amplifying the cosmic power coursing through your attacks.

Challenges and Strategies

While the Kos Parasite build offers immense power, it also comes with its challenges. The weapon's short range and slow swing speed can leave you vulnerable in close-quarters combat. To overcome this, prioritize agility and positioning, using quicksteps to evade enemy attacks and create openings for your own.

Unleashing Cosmic Devastation

In battle, the true beauty of the Kos Parasite build reveals itself as you channel the cosmos to obliterate your foes. Utilize the transformed state of the weapon to unleash devastating arcane blasts, staggering enemies and leaving them vulnerable to follow-up attacks. With practice and patience, you'll become a master of cosmic devastation, wielding the power of the eldritch with unmatched skill.


The Kos Parasite build offers a unique and exhilarating playstyle for Bloodborne players who dare to delve into the arcane mysteries of the game's universe. By investing in the Arcane stat, mastering arcane tools, and embracing the cosmic power of the Kos Parasite, you'll become a force to be reckoned with in the nightmare realms. So, don your hunter's garb, sharpen your senses, and prepare to unleash cosmic devastation upon your enemies.


1. Can I use the Kos Parasite build for PvP? Absolutely! While the Kos Parasite build excels in PvE content, it can also be formidable in PvP with the right strategy and skill. Just be prepared for a different style of combat compared to PvE encounters.

2. What other weapons complement the Kos Parasite build? Weapons with arcane scaling, such as the Holy Moonlight Sword or the Tonitrus, can complement the Kos Parasite build nicely. Experiment with different weapons to find your preferred playstyle.

3. How do I acquire the Kos Parasite in Bloodborne? The Kos Parasite is found in The Old Hunters DLC, specifically in the Fishing Hamlet area. You'll need to defeat a certain boss to obtain it, so prepare yourself for a challenging battle.

4. Is the Kos Parasite build viable for all bosses in Bloodborne? While the Kos Parasite build can certainly hold its own against most bosses, some may prove more challenging than others due to their resistance to arcane damage or their aggressive nature. Adapt your strategy accordingly and don't be afraid to experiment with different weapons and tools.

5. Can I incorporate the Kos Parasite into a hybrid build? Certainly! The flexibility of Bloodborne's character customization allows you to incorporate the Kos Parasite into hybrid builds that combine arcane with other attributes such as strength or skill. Experimentation is key to finding the build that suits your playstyle best.

Kos Parasite Build (2024)
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