The Wilmington Morning Star from Wilmington, North Carolina (2024)

J7 Thirty-two Columns EST DAILY EVERY DAY In toe State. And No Increase if I 1 1 1 rsi aiA aWaT I If 1 a i "fc m. tt -m. iwi vDUL 1 In Price. VOL.

29. WILMINGTON, S. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1894. WHOLE NO. 8,675 Best for Advertisers.

EHcrlish erevman tnlri hie FTFTY THOUSAND nFFEBET ToaD-ouonxiM -r, i EXPOSITION OF THE CAB01LWAS Opened Auaploioualy- Attendacoe Concerning the Criminal Court ro Take Piaoe Welcome Week Under Auspice of the Eastern Dog and Oame to me ruDiic. Kntered at the Postoffic? at Wilmington, N. Second-claS MjiI Matter. NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS. Johnson Fore.

OUR SUCCESS With our New Lines of DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS Ladies, Misses and Children's Cloaks, Capes 3 has been beyond our expecta tions. We are offering the only iMTIRELY 3 NewStock of these goods in the city, and our styles are acknowledged the Best, and our Prices the Lowest. Oar Millinery Department Is better than ever, and we unhesitatingly say we nave the Handsomest Stock ever seen in Wilmington. We are taking orders from hundreds of ladies, and are pleasing them all. CALL AND SEE US.

JOHNSON FORE, No. Ill Market St. Wiimingtsn, N. C. oct 58 ti -A- BEAUTIFUL STOVES.

I HoDse-foroishing Goods. Owen F. Love Co.P 114 North Front street, Directly opposite The Orton. sep28tf The "Mail City" Pneumatic Fire Gallon Oil Can. The Nail City Can ii nude of heavy galvanized iron, being doable-teamed, making it one of the strongest tans on the market; and is fitted (or both oli and gasolene, it is not a pomp can.

but work entirely by air ptessure. The plunder never cornea in contact with the oil. The principle on which the can is made it entirely new, and has never been employed in the uae of oil cans before. Direction. To fill the lamp, place the end of tin spout in the opening of the lamp; take hold of the wooden knob on the end of the plunger the centre of the can and draw it upwards a far as it will go.

Close the opening in the and of the plunger with the tttumb or palm of the hand, aod pre the plunger downward to the bottom of the can. Keep the opening in the plunger closed, and sufficient oil will then now from the spout to fill a lamp of ordinary size Divine Chadboorn's, Sole Agents, 10 Market Street telephone 188. oct tl tf Babbitt Metal. i A. QUAIrnTY OF OLD TaTE A I tree QMttau toe B.bbu Meal tot-ante at taa -tar omci -SI KITE II IK congregation recently that he would never permit brie of his daughters to! ride a bicycle, Ilets afraid, perhaps, that it would male them fast young women.

The Republicans of New York are talking of making a "clean sweep." If they do it will be the first clean thing they ever did. Field Marshal Yamagata, who commands the Japanese army, wears the phiz of a fighter. NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS. Warren About bread. Oysters At Hilton Park.

Opera House Grand Concert. Meeting Ladies' Memorial Asso'n. LOCAL DOTS. Items of Interest Gathered Here and There and Briefly Noted. I ILMINGTON NOVEMBER ELCOME 1 26, 27, 28, 29, EEK.

130. and Dec. 1 1 The drum corps of the U. R. K.

of P. were out last night practicing. In the Mayor's Courtjresterday J. Lewis was fined five dollars and V. E.

Faulk ten dollars, for disorderly con duct. The Straight-out Republican meeting at Meginney's hall last night was a farcidl affair. It was decided to make no nominations. The stage of water in the Caoe Fear river at Fayetteville Wednesday at 8 a. m.

was 10 feet 4 inches: a fall of 8 feet 8 inches in the previous 24 hours. On and after Monday, Novem ber 5th, the Wilmington, Newbern Norfolk Railroad will commence re ceiving and delivering freight at the Mulberry street depot. John Pallister, who struck Mr. H. A.

Kure on the head with a bottle. was sent to jail from Justice Bunting's Court in default of bail to answer to the charge oi assault and battery with a deadly weapon. Thirty-eight Parts of the Amer ican Encyclopaedic Dictionary may now be ordered. Send one coupon and 17 cents (which includes postage) for each ran. laxe advantage of this ODDor- tunity to secure the best Dictionary and Encyclopaedia combined at a very low price.

City subscribers are urged to leave notice at the Star office of all failures or irregularities in the delivery ol their papers. Every complaint will have prompt attention. Unless we are notified of the delinquencies of the car riers it is impossible for us to rectify them. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Pertinent Paragraph Pertaining Prtnoi- pally to People and Pointedly Printed Mr. uscar H.

Wright left last night for Whitevitle to visit friends. Mr. H. J. Morton, of Chicago, is hi the city for a few weeks.

Mr. Dunk B. Holland, who has been on the sick list, was in the city yes terday. Mr. H.

F. Wilder, of Florence, has a position with the A. C. L. in the train dispatcher's office, as operator Mr.

A. Z. White, G. W. Taylor and wife and A.

W. Whitley and wife. ot Jacksonville, N. were in the city yesterday. Mr.

Ransom B. Hare, who has been train dispatcher for the A. C. L. in this city for some time past, left yester day to accept a similar position with the A.

C. L. at Sumter, S. C. Ransom made many friends during bis stay in this city who will regret to learn of his removal.

Messrs. A. J. Galloway, Golds-boro; W. H.

Pyke, C. C. Morse. Thos. M.

Morse, S. F. Craig, Southport; J. Bewley, Anderson; O. H.

Allen, Kin- ston; G. W. Westbrook, Wrightsville; D. H. Wallace, Wallace; J.

J. Powers, uiurinDurg; k. v. Mill, ratson. were among the arrivals in the city yesterday.

THE WEATHER. U. S. Dbp't or Agriculture. Weather Bureau.

Wilmington, N. Nov. 2. Meteorological data for twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m.

last night: maximum temperature mini mum temperature 50. Rainfall for the day, .00. Rainfall for the month up to date .00 inches. FORECASTS FOR O-DAY. For North Carolina and South Caro lina, increasing cloudiness with rain in western portion, slightly warmer, south east winds and rain Saturday.

COTTON FACTS AND FIGURES. Net receipts at the ports 50,891. Stock 908.488. Stock at this port. November 1st.

28.801; at same date last year. 30.142. Exports since September 1st. 1804 Domestic, 2,957 bales; foreign, 62.041 Spot cotton dnll and easy in New York at 6Jc for middling: easv in Wil mington at 514c New York futures closed stead December, 5.54; January, 6.58; February. 6.64; March, 5.68; April, 5.78; May, 5.78; June, 5.83; July.

5.89; August, 5 93 Receipts ol cotton here yesterday 8,076 bales; same day last year, 5,547 Keceiots tor trie month ot )ctnhr 940; same month last year, 49,870. Re ceipts for the crop year, to November 1st, 99,411 bales; to same date last year. 67.187. Send orders for the American encyclopaedic Dictionary. Thirty-eight Parts now read v.

One courmn nnlv VHU quired for any number of parts when ac- wmpaoKQ wiui ii cents ior eacn fart ordered. a. The Georgia General Assembly Hon Pat. Walsh and Hon. A.

O. Bacon nom inated for the United States Senate. Train robbers make a poor haul. A prominent minister of the M. Church South died yesterday at Balti more.

gram and provision market. Cotton spots and futures. Tramps held an and robbed The robbers four "hundred dollars and two watches. A bank robbed by burglars Que thousand dollars taken. A woman killed and her body partially devoured by hoes.

A gloye contest at Buffalo, New York. The Czr of Russia dead Official an noun men his career; Alexander II to by proclaimed Emperor to day; the reception of the news of the tzar death at Parts Co.list&n on the B. O. railroad, near Putsburo N. Y.

markets: Money on call easy at 1 per cent, with last loan at 1 per cenL, and closing offered at 1 Der cotton dull and easy; middling gulf cents; middling uplands 5V cents: Southern flour dull and easy; common to lair extra good to choice do. wheat quiet, firm and higher with red in store and at elevator 554'55 cts; afloat 56 quiet and 2 at ele vator 80 cents; afloat 81 cents; spirits turpentine quiet and steady at 28)tf cents; rosin quiet and steady; strained common to good So 1 40. The Shah of Persia owns a Shet land pony which is onlv twelve inches in height. Baroness Burden Coutts, in England, owns one four teen inches in height. Marion Butler and O.

H. Dockery, for instance, would make a nice brace of U. S. Senators from this State, wouldn't they But our candid opinion is they will never warm seats inside the Senate circle. With wheat at 50 cents a bushel the loaf of bread holds its own and sells for about as much as it rliri when wheat was a dollar a bushel.

The materials, in a pound loaf of bread at present prices are worth about two cents. China is so large and the methods of sending news so slow in that country that the Japanese will have scooped China out and gone back to Japan before a good many of them will find out that there had been a war going on. The State of New Jersey is re markable for something besides its applejack. A has a justice of the peace who sent two children aged 5 and 6 years to the alms house for stealing something to eat, instead of giving them a good square meal and sending them home. A young French officer recently made the highest record for bicycle- riding thus far reported.

He rode up one of the Pyrenees mountains to a height of 9,540 feet and rode down again. There are not many of them who will make a higher score than that. A strange disease has made its appearance in the Coeur d'Alene min ing region in Washington, which baffles the physicians. So far mostly miners have been affected, bat although several hundred people have been prostrated no deaths are reported. A Mr.

Stuart, who claims to be a lineal descendant of Mr. Penn, is nosing around among the records in some of the counties of Pennsylvania, hunting up titles to land which he says belonged to the old man, and to which he intends to make claim. Mr. Hawley, one of the Republican machine managers, says Mr. Morton may not be "a sprinter or an athlete, but he is strong enough to be President of the U.

S. when the time comes." Mr. Morton has a powerful bar'l, but the time will never come for htm to be President of the U. S. "Topolabompa has busted.

Topo-labompa was a big colonization scheme gotten up in Kansas, for colonizing Kansans on a large tract of land in Mexico which was said to have been secured for that purpose. But for some reason the scheme failed, after sinking $1,000,000 for which there is nothing to show. Some of the New York Republican papers ate howling for election." In the meantime the machine managers who have access to Mr. Morton's "bat'l" are making arrangements to buy votes by the wholesale, wherever they can be bought. Gov.

Flower charges that they are "buying them like sheep." This isn't very complimentary to the voters of New York, but it shows that the Republican managers do not stand on trifles, and what they think of "honest elections." Have you read "The Scarlet Letter." bv Nathaniel Hawthorne? Yon can get it through the Star for one coupon and five cents. Or either one of sixty-odd other standard novels on the same terms. Orders for the splendid novels offered by the Star at four to five cents each, are coming in by every mail. When 25 standard novels can be had for one dollar, everybody can have them. Edison' KtntOaCope Syndicate Offer Fifty Thousand Dollar for the Corbett-Pi'z Simmons Fiftht.

The New York World wi. Although Champion Jim and ambitious Bob have signed to fight, there is no telling when the battle will take place should the alleged Florida Athletic Club pull its oars. The offer of a $45,000 purse by some Texans a day or so ago is now laid in the shade. Thomas A. Edison wants to take the fight with his kinetograph.

The following letter, sent to Corbett and Fitzsimmons, contains a straightforward and very reasonable proposition. New York. October 94. DEAR SIR: While Wf haw nn rlpairf. to interfere in any wav with the plans of me luriaa Atnietic Club, betore which institution you have agreed to fight for a purse oi S41.UUU.

we are arloisert that many obstacles may be placed in the way of holding a fight ol such import in me reninsula State. There IS no definite infrtrmafii-in this effect, but in case the Florida Club snouia conclude to withdraw its bid we propose to make vou an offer which aril! certainty demand consideration 1 nis oner would have been made at the time the several clubs were bidding for the Chamniionihin mntt hnt fnrth fact that we were not then in a position to enter tne competition, tor the reason mat we naa learned nothing from our Mexican agent, and again, because the experiments at three-minute subjects with the kinetograph had not proven entirely successful. Now. however, we shall r.nt aoie to take each three-minute round of the fight, but also the action of the sec onas. and durinsr the one-minnte rent between the rounds.

We have advice from our Mexican agent which is most favorable. There can be no interference With the fieht. and he is acaiirerl ho the authorities that everything will be done to protect those engaged in the contest, as well as those who go to Mexico to see it. Our offer is a plain one. The fieht must be held in the moraine and in case the date se ected should nrrwe a ciouuy aay we will ask for a postpone ment until a clear day.

However, we will be able to name a date during the ry season wnicu will answer our pur pose, for in this season the odds are fin to 1 that anv dav will he anirahl We want the fieht before Nov. 1 1 SQS and will give 50,000 for it. The entire amount win oe deposited in any bank agreed upon by you two months before the date Set for the miltest. or earlier if -necessary, or we are willing to put the purse in tne Bands Mr. Phi Dwver instead of nlac innr it in trn hantr IX .1 it mar.

snouia oe agreeable We are enabled to offer this amount Of monev Without denendinor nnnn the gate receipts, because while a good many tickets of admission will be sold, that is entirely an after consideration with us. Further than this, we are assurer! that a goodly amount of money will be sub- senbea oy merchants near the soot wnicn we have selected for the battle. pround. Hpiv ituu( Vice-President the Kinetoscope Exhib iting company. Fitzsimmona orhn is hnrino ot Bowery Theatre, said last nlrht that he could not listen to anv proposition of this kind so long as the Florida club kept faith with him U.

S. DISTRICT COURT. Aliened Violation of Iotemal Lawa-Illiclt Distilling and Botailins Liquor Without License. The U. S.

District Court yesterday dis posed of the following cases: Joseph Drake, charged with retailing liquor without license. Verdict not guilty. Cbas. Hogans, retailing. Not guilty Andrew Davis, retailing.

Guilty Jno. D. Draughon, illicit distilling. Or der for capias to be issued and case con tinued W. B.

Wiight, retailing. Continued Bud McDonald, selling liquor without license. Defendant called and failed Judgment nisi. David Allen, retailing. Case contin iced.

Ruby Benton, A. M. Benton. Tudson Benton and F. W.

Walton, intimidating a witness. Verdict not euiltv Kilby Ben ton, retailing without license. Verdict not guilty Carey Strickland, illicit distillinsr. verdict guilty, R. J.

Levenson, retailing liquor with out license. Guilty. Defendant sen tenced to thirty days in Duplin county ait and pay a fine of $100 Austin V. Wilson, illicit distilling erdict guilty, John Sineletary, retailing liquor with out license. Not guilty, Charley Jenkins, retailing liquor with out license.

Verdict euiltv E. G. Graham, illicit distilline. Not guilty. E.

J. Graham, retailing Honor without license. Not guilty, E. J. Graham, set.

fa. (three cases.) Judgment suspended on payment of all tne costs. Drury Walters, retailing without li cense. Guilty, Morris McMillan, retailing without li cense. Not guilty.

John Herbert McNeill, retailing with out license. Not euiltv. W. Q. Strickland, charged with illicit distilling.

A verdict of not fcuiltv was entered in this case, the defendant show mg that be bad been arraigned for the onence charged at a former term of the court, had submitted and had undergone sentence ot tine and imprisonment. James A. Hewlett al, charzed with stripping a wrecked vessel. Continued. The Court announced that the civil docket would be called Friday morning at 10 Clock, and took rer ess until in m.

to-day Republican In Duplin Repudiate Fusion. A telegram to the Star from Wallace. N. yesterday, says that the Republi cans of Duplin countv renudiate the proposed fusion with the Populists, will not support any Third party ticket, and pledge support to the straight-out Re publican nominations for countv officers and their candidate for Congress in the Third district, i Parts 1 to aS inrlnsitre of the American Encyclopaedic Dictionary are iiuw icauy. seno one coupon and 17 cents (which includes postage) for each P4TI.

KatZ A Polvoot offer 100 haroaina at icss tnan manufacturers cost to-day. Hanover County. Wilmington, N. C. Oct.

27th. 1894. CoL Thos. IV. Strange and Herbert Mc-Clammy, Esqs.

Dear SIRS It is currently reported that an attempt will be made during the cuiuo ol me Legislature to aooi-wh the Criminal Court of New Hanover countv. Feeling a great interest in the preser vation oi tne court as one of the most important and valuable of our public in StitUtiona. and heliein that the 1 (jyic have a right to know the true sentiments A.4V aVl It mi iuc candidates ior the Legislature from this county on the subject, we re spectfully ask: Will you, tf elected, op- tje or lavor a proposition to abolish sua Vsounr Very respectfully. F. W.

Kerchner James Sornnt E. P. Covington, Norwood Giles, F. L. Covington, B.

F. Hall, B. F. Keith, W. W.

Harriss C. C. Covington K. H. Pickett.

W. H. Sprunt, D. G. Worth.

W. B. McKov. Henry P. West, I.

M. Forsh-e. Jos. H. Watte rs.

Wilmington, N. Oct. 27th, 1894 Messts. F. W.

Kerchner, as. Sfirunt and others. City: i lumen Kepiying to the in quiry contained in your note ot the 27th addressed to me, in which you state that it is currentlv renotted that an attempt will be made during the next Legislature tO abolish the Criminal Court of New Hanover county, and ask: -will you, if elected, oppose or tavor a proposition to abolish said Court?" I have to aav mat i Know of no institution in our county mat Has been of more prac tical benent to our people, irrespective of color, than this Court, and as a citizen of New Hanover county, delegated by the people of that county to represent iuciji in ice Leiris ature i -ried I snau use every nonorable means to pre vent tne repeal oi the iaw establishing that Court, if anv effort is made tn abolish the same. I am very respectfully vours. Thos.

W. Strange. Wilmington, N. Oct. 80, 1894 Messrs.

F. W. Kerchner. Tames S-brunt. -c.

f. et at r.r- Gentlemen Your favor of the 27th inst, addressed to Col. Thos. W. btrange, mv colleague, and mvself in which you ask, "Will you, if elected, oppose Or favor a DrODOsitton to ahntfah said Court" (meaning the Criminal Lourt) was received by me through the mail this morning.

Col. Strange is at present in Raleioh. attendinor the Qn preme Court, and as soon as he returns .11 win comer wim mm ana have no doubt but that both Col. Stra nop and myself will answer your question to your entire satisiaction Yours verv resnertfnlltr Herbert McClammy Wilmington. N.

nrtoher 91 Messrs. F. IV. Kerchner. Tames SSrunt E.

P. Covineton and Others: Gentlemen Your mmmn addressed to Col. Thomas W. Strange ana yseit, dated on the 27th dav Oc tober, 1894, was received on the 80th a short while after It was mailed 1 was informed this morning bv Col Kerchner that Cot tra nrye had heen handed a communication of like nature on Saturday last, the date of the com munication above. In replying to the same.

I fullv recoonize the ricrht of in. dividuals to question the position ot a candidate upon any question anecting the DOlicv of the Oemorratir nartv Rn the continuance or abolition of the Crim inaf LOUrt Of this COuntv is not an iasne in this campaign, and was not made so oy tne convention held to nominate candidates for the various county offices and me legislature, it matters not what ray personal opinion may be towards the court, whether it he for nr aoaintr st If I am elected to the Legislature of North Carolina irom tnis county i propose to be governed entirely by the will and the wishes of the majority of those whom I icprcsem, as me nrst principle ot the ucmucrauc party is a government of the people, by the people and for the people, 1 -I i anu upuu mat piatiorm i snati stand. I would have answered this muni cation at once, but it was addressed to lol strange and myself together, and not knowing that Col. Strange had received a communication of a like nature, I felt it my duty to await his return, nntil Col. Kerchner bad informed me that Cot.

Strange had received and answered the communication ior nimseil. Verv trulv vours. Herbert McClammy. HOMICIDE NEAR CASTLE HAYNE. Chtston Solomon Hilled by Joe Nixon With a stick of Wood The Coroner' Jury Find that the Killing Was in Self-defence.

Gaston Solomon, a negro 40 years of age, was knocked in the head and killed by Joe Nixon, a colored youth about 18 years old, last Wednesday night near Castle Hayne, a few miles from Wil mington. Solomon went to the house of lohn Nixon Joe Nixon's father Wednesday night and abused the old folks, whom he charged with stealing dog-tongue. While he was there Joe Nixon came home and ordered Solomon to leave the house. Solomon had a gun and threatened to shoot Nixon, but he left the house and was followed by Joe Nixon. Solomon advanced upon him, when Nixon struck him with a stick of wood and fractured his skull.

He was taken to a house in the neighborhood and died about two hours afterwards. Yesterday, morning a warrant was issued by Justice Cowan, but before it was served Nixon appeared and cave him self up. In the meantime intelligence of the homicide had reached the citv and Sheriff ted man and several depu ties went immediately to Castle Hayne, where they found Nixon, brought him to the city and lodged him in jail. Coroner Walton also went to the scene of the tragedy, and held an inquest. The finding of the jurv was "That Gaston Solomon came to bis death at the hands of Joseoh Nixon, who committed the crime in se f-defence." Solomon Was a bad character and rrm.

stantlv in trouble. He was recently dis charged from the county house of cor- rection to wnicn ne was sent from the Criminal Court uoon conviction for as. 1 a sauu ano oauery witrra deadly weapon. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. Fair of Cumberland Cmmtv Agricul tural society, at fayetteville.

Novem ber 14th. 15th and 18th. The firat annual Pair nf the Rnkunn County Agricultural and Live Stock Association will be held at Lumberton November 20th, 21st, 22d and 23d. Annual Pair et the Jwln Vf Tf: a wi wi. nwsr arawHua aratu Association, at rtocx mount, November I Many Attractive Exhibits-Politics.

Star. Correspondence Maxton. N. October The Border Exposition was opened yesterday at 12 m. by Mr.

McNair, the president, in a few well chosen remarks. There was a goodly number of the chivalry and beauty of this section on the grounds. The day was delightful, and the attractions and amusem*nts varied and interesting Aral UoH beautifully decorated and full of worthy and attractive exhibits mho. d.f. hands still were busy arrang ing belated arrivals.

The Thomp-Son School disnlav of urt.n.. 1- manshlD. charts and Sparser fof Mount AirtA Lk. 1 uiopiaj. of tobacco, cigars, received much attention.

One ladv. M. A A Mr. of this section, has over dred articles on exhibition. On the grounds the Cyclorama of the Battle of Gettvsbura.

O' wui- nssey show, a Durham hull and r.h.- stock from Occonechee farm, Hillsboro, were among the most attractive features. roiitics are much discussed. The Republican Executive; i Congressional district have placed in nomination John L. Matheion nt T.iiea. ville, mplace of "My son Oliver," who declined the honor.

Rev. Martin. Poo. candidate fcr con gress from this district, spoke here last night lrom tbe sidewalk to a small mixed crowd. He has more monkey actions and less sound reasoning to the square inch than any man we ever heard.

A large crowd is looked fur to dao and to-morrow. RAILROAD COLLISION At Henderson-Ho One Ssrionsly Hurt Political Matters at Wei don. Star Correspondence. Weldon. N.

C. November 1. A collision occurred at Henderson Sat urday last, between tbe north-bound and south-bound passenger trains of the A. known as Noa. it and RS Th.

cause of tbe collision was due to mis construction of a train order. No one was seriously hurt. This road has the interest and safety of its patrons at heart, especially in the transnnrratinn department, and engineers and conduc- vura in cnarge oi tne trains in question are sober, experienced and careful men and the company and tbe travelling com raunuy are to oe congratulated upon uavmg sucn men to run tnetr trains, not witnstanaing thjs little trouble. Senator Ransom la in tnarn and will leave to-day. Hon.

F. A. Woodard is here and will leave for Warrenton. where he tn speak to-day. iuc roou sis are sneaK no in nnr midst.

NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS. OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5. The usical Event of the sason, he New York Celebrities IN Grand Concert. Reserved sects at Yates Saturday Morning.

U'JT Ol Oysters at Hilton Park. MY Establishment will be open Friday, Saturday and Rnnrfttu ff- Will served in any style. Soft drinks also at regular prion E. HEWLETT, "QT 2 It Hilton Park Cafe. Ladies' Memorial Association.

INHERE will be a meeting of the Ladies' Memorial uus (rnoay; afternoon, at i o'clock. Member anil thew JwimM t.A i cy oraer ox tne President, ABOUT JJRE4D. Remember, we sell you 28 Loaves BEST BREAD For One Dollar, and send it To your Door in any quantities. Hot Rolls for Breakfast. WARREN'S Vienna Bakerv.

nov 2 tf Housekeepers Wi Please Notice, Mocha and Tava Coffee in 8 lh tine renect t-ottee. in 2 h. tins uonee, loose, mo coffee, loose, Canton Ginger, new. in hulk Pre served raits ot ail kinds. Pure Olive Oil Quarts.

Dints and nait pints, barton Guestier, in bulk, "Lucca Queen Olives, best and largest In tne city. Pickles Onions. Sweet Pickles Gherkins, Burr Gherkins. All above loose, bv Quart. Pint or p-a Inn.

New Mince Meat, loose or in buck ets, ail sixes Fresh assortment of Fine Cakes and Crackers. Watch next week for our illsnlav ot fiuckins celebrated Soaps Best mat can De naa on earth Our "Parole" Flour still leads. Call on us. No trouble to show goods and give pnees. THE JOHI BOATWRIflHT WILMINGTON, N.

BV Mb oetMtf There Are Several Reasons TITHY YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR MKDI- cine i buy often. Consequently my goods are alway freah. Ileal with frrwt Mm I 1 ui awapaaai wiw tne nam times. JA3. u.

nun, oct 81t TheDrnnnst. 100 Barrels Mullets. For sale by SAMUEL BEAR, Sr. Highest market wice naid for Fur, Protective Aaa ooiation. The trap-shooting tournament under tne auspices Of the Eastern and Game Protective Association will take place on Thursday and Friday, Novem- oer sin ana soth.

Purses will be offered amounting to $200. All entrance fees are to oe added to the purses. There win be tour monies 40, 80, 20 and 10 percent. American Association rules wi govern. A charge of three cents wiu raaae ior each target shot at Hxtra events will take place each day.

but for these no purses will be offered omer tnan tne entrance fees ine tournament is to open at 9.80 a. and will be managed by a com mittee consisting of Messrs. H. McL Ureen, K. M.

Urant. D. McEaehern aH J. C. Lodor.

They have arranged the touowing programme: FIRST DAY, NOVEMBER 29. 1894. Event No 120 targets Practice Known angle. No purse, no entrance tee. EvemNo 215 targets Known traps.

un Known angle, liu purse, SI entrance ee. Event No 820 targets Known traps, known angle team shoot. $20 purse, 83 per team of five men entranre fee. Event No 4 15 tarcets Known trfina 1 1 A. A uukuuwu angie.

siu purse, 91 entrance ice. Event NO 520 targets Knoarn trana known an crip JMft nurse Si "Mhiaui. ice. Event No 6 15 taroets Knoarn Iron. unknown ancle.

S10 nurse ft1 I Xf ICC. EveQC NO 7 20 tat-OPro known angle. $10 purse, $1 entrance fee. Event No 825 tart? CtS TCnr.urn Iran. unknown angle.

$10 purse, $1 entrance ICC. Event No 925 Unrets Known trans unknown angle. Team shoot $20 purse, per team oi nye men entrance fee. SECOND DAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1894 Event No 1 SO taroer. Pro Known angle.

NO nurse, no entranre lee. Event No 2 15 taroets Known mn. unknown angle. $10 purse, $1 entrance ICC. Event No 320 tarcrets Knnorn traps, known angle.

Team shoot $20 purse, $5 per team of five men entrance lee. Event No 415 IS. 117 fits TC nnwn fro ra unknown angle. $10 purse, $4 entrance ice. Event No 5 20 taroets Knoarn iraus.

Known angle, siu ntirae. 81 en. trance fee. Event No 815 tarcets Known trans Unknown ancle. tlO nurse, tl entranre fee.

Event No 720 taroetaKn nmn tram known angle. $10 purse, $1 entrance fee. Event No 825 targets nnwn trana unknown angie. uu purse, $1 entrance ice. Event No 9 25 taroeta Vnnotn traps, unxnown angle.

Team shoot wu purse, S3 per team of five men en trance iee. 'RULES The handicap will be one of distance only. There will be three classes. All shooters averaging 85 oer rent will he entered in class and must shoot at the eignteen yard mark; 75 per'csnt, men and less than 85 oer cent, will he entered in class and must shoot at the sixteen yard mark. All shooters averaging less vuau in per cent, win oe entered in class and must shoot at the fourteen mrH mark.

The Shooter Will be classifier! in earn event bv his SCOTS in the last nrvMHin, event in which he nartirinateH A shar er wno cannot oe so classified because of not naving previously Darticinate.ri in anv event win ior tne event in whirh he first enters, be placed in class B. All ties di viaea NEW YORK CELEBRITIES The Next Attraction at the Wilmina-tnn Opera House. "The New York Celebrities." a Con cert Company consisting of the finest artists that could be secured for a tour of the United States at figures which would enable the public in general to hear a good combination that will thoroughly satisfy the demands of the most fasti dious audience, will appear at the Opera House here next Monday night. These artists have been before the public for some time, and have been beard in many parts of the United States as well as in foreign countries. The pro gramme will be varied and interesting, and in accordance with the demands of the general taste of the music nnhiir i he following are among the artists forming the New York- feleh fit Ama Luta VanCortlandt, Soprano; Miss Alice vTcnruae caoy, tne git ted fianiste; Mr.

urme uarva i and Herr flsrar H.m. schel the popular Flute Virtuose. Fl REWORKS DISPLAY Arranged by Prof. Hooper for Welcome Week. The display of fireworks as arranged for Welcome Week will exceed anything ever seen in the city.

It will take place from Battery Hooper, on the river opposite Market street dock, as follows: Twelve mammoth cannon rorlreta Twenty-four duration star rockets. Twelve parachute rockets Three triple asteroid rockets. weive prismatic dragon rockets. Six cascade rockets. Three diamond chain mrlreto Six willow tree rockets.

Three Jack-in-Box. laro-e Three devil anions- the tailora. Twelve geysers or fiery whirlwinds. i nree targe oattenes. Six gyrating mines, extra large.

Six colored meteor mines. Six feu de joie. Three cornecopia rockets. Tbree jeweled streamer rockets Three shootino star rockets Three electric shower rockets. Four telescope repeating rockets.

Three prize cometic Three peaco*ck plumes. Twelve bag patented illuminating fire. red. Six bag patented illuminating fire. green.

Four electric shower mines Three Japanese jugglers' mines. Twelve unexcelled nioht homh shells Twelve Japanese night bomb shells. six extra targe mgnt bomb shells, Six Chinese night homh shells Six repeating night bomb shells. i nree Anarcnist nignt bom shells. To-day, Friday, at at 4c Pol voet.

Thev are content to let smvl values tell their StOrV and to trust vonr finsm and eyes to confirm it, and it is feeling rn A 1 awu accing uuu is ouuaing up tnetr business. Thev have started their ho- gain day (Friday) to-day with a list of 100 bargains at lew than manufacturers' cost. All shoppers should be on band to have a finger in the pie. It is Positively and Absolutely So. 8SALE BEGINS Monday, at 9.

A. M. My entire stock Will be sold, Regardless of Cash Value. As I intend to Close business on or 4 January 1st, 1894. Stock consisting of DryGoods UNDERWEAR, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, NOTIONS, Ac.

C. E. Gordon, N. E. Cor.

Market and Front Wilmington, N. C. oct 25 tf IN POLL BLAST! Our Soda Fountain is in full blast for the Winter. HOT CHOCOLATE, HOT BOUILLON, HOT GINGER FRUIT, or HOT LEMONADE Will brace you up in the morning and make you sleep well at nighr. Milk Shakes, Sherbets with crushed Fruits, Cold Soda all flavors, Vichy, Harriss' Ltthia Water, Panacea Water, Coca Cala, Wine Coca, Delicious Candies.

Bunting's Pharmacy, Y. M. C. A. Building, oct 30 tf Wilmington, N.

C. I E. SPRINGER Purcell Building, Wilmington, N.C Importers and Jobbers, American, "English And German Hardware Tinware, Earthenware, Cntlery, Gnus, epSStf His Father's Blessing, The little boy receives who spends nis money judiciously as for instance by the Durchase of a nalr nf our SCHOOL SHOES, a line which we make a specialty. We anticioated vonr needs. anH have already in our store a Stock so large that you can find what yon want.

Ask to see our Youth's Cordo van Spring Heel Lace Shoe at $1.25. i 4f I 4 1 Geo. E. French Sons. 108 North front ep 23 tt WILMINGTON, C.

Tin, exn ana sin. oct it.

The Wilmington Morning Star from Wilmington, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.